Fresh New Stuff!

The Dawn-Breakers Challenge - 2021

Last year we had a wonderful adventure with a series of in-depth Dawn-Breakers study retreats. And, by popular demand, we’re going to do it all over again. But, according Covid-19, not this year!!
So if you're especially stir-crazy, take a minute to sign up, in advance, for an adventure study retreat in 2021.
Nabíl’s narrative is not merely a narrative; it is a book of meditation. It does not only teach. It actually inspires and incites to action.... It quickens and stimulates our dormant energies and makes us soar on a higher plane.

Ocean 2.0 Interfaith Reader - Updates
Lots of freshly-narrated and word-aligned books

We’ve been busy all winter fixing mis-reads, adding new books, narrating and aligning audio. No one will ever believe how difficult it is to audio-align a book. Nearly every single word must be manually checked and adjusted. ;) Some of the books with completed narration now include:
- Christian/Judaic: The King James Bible (all books)
- Islam: Pickthall's Qur'an, Confessions of Ghazzali
- The Tao Te Ching
- Buddhism: The Dhammapada, The Diamond Sutra, The Gateless Gate, The Heart Sutra
- The Confucian Analects
- Hinduism: The Bhagavad-Gita, Songs of Kabir
Our Bahá’í Collection now includes the following narrated books:

- The Dawn-Breakers
- God Passes By
- A Traveler’s Narrative
- Days of Remembrance
- Compilation on Deepening
- Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
- Memorials of the Faithful
- Paris Talks
- Prayers and Meditations
- Selections from the Writings of the Báb
- Some Answered Questions
- The Advent of Divine Justice
- The Secret of Divine Civilization
- Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá